Breakdown cover and snapped locking nut help? - breakdown cover companies
Hello, I've tried a flat tire to a friend who made my time, but my mother's wheel lock is broken and stuck in the wheel when the phone company that breaks as you leave to remove the wheel nuts, is not Lock Down my peace by equity red star
If the mother is broken anyway, the only realistic way to remove it with brute force and large hammer and chisel. Most companies decomposition have the experience to do so, and should be able to turn the wheel on "OK" message, without damaging anything.
I do not know how the lock nut on the left, but
tools developed for this purpose. They are used as emergency-locking nut
Tools for removing the wheel or go under another name. Before anyone
hack wheel to which parts of this thread, see below. You're not the first
Person who has had this problem and certainly not the last. ...
Good luck to you .....
Since the 2 others have said, probably only a sign saying that not every attack on the wheel is responsible. If it happened to me this is what I had to do, unfortunately, the wheel was damaged, but at least I have a tire.
Regarding the first, he said, it is possible to tear down, but some distributors Mai is a fun to do, so it is best to ask them.
Tell them what the problem is and they will hammer and chisel to knock and lose. I've done before and it works well.
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