Thursday, February 18, 2010

How Does A Tonsilectomy Work Adult Tonsillectomy?

Adult tonsillectomy? - how does a tonsilectomy work

I am 28 and scheduled for next month tonsillectomy. I know that this operation is simple, but the recovery is worse for adults. A person who had done as an adult, I know what to expect pocess in the field of recovery? What did you eat? How did you feel? What medications do you take? How much time passed before he returned to work? I know everything, what can you tell me! Thank you!


J B said...

If this was 19 years. The recovery is slower for adults and seems to hurt a little more. Ask liquid medicine for pain - it is easier to lose. Feel things better in the cold (ice cream, pudding, ice-water). Expect that the recovery time of one week. You're tired in the first days and a little more hungry, because they are relatively liquid, just because he's afraid to eat anything solid. Cause no cases of whole pieces of meat or any other kind of chips at the beginning of the upswing - the bleeding in the area of the tonsils removed recently on the area down and reason can. Stick to foods moving very flexible, if you stomped your food (potatoes, soft vegetables, soups, etc..) Are some dietary recommendations and proposals for their discharge papers.

janesfil... said...

Oh, I'm sorry for you. I took it as an adult and was very uncomfortable and appeared some time ago I'm back to normal, takes at least two weeks at home. I'm glad did not get sick all the time. I had to take painkillers and codeine was not strong enough. Try it with an anesthetic throat spray. I could not even eat soft food or drink for several days. Just sip ice water, the tablets down. It was very difficult after the surgery when I was sick to my stomach and very bad. I think the anesthesia made me very sick. Good luck to you. Take more time away from work.

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